Biodiversity and industry, the winning duo

On Friday 8 November, our site had the pleasure of hosting the first meeting of theUIMM (Union des Industries et Métiers de la Métallurgie) CSR CLUB.

The aim was to bring together industrial members of theUIMM to discuss CSR, with biodiversity as the theme for this first meeting. The morning began with a presentation of the CSR CLUB and its objectives: to promote actions in favour of biodiversity. This was followed by discussions between the participants, who shared their expectations and defined the themes for future meetings. Each member will be able to take stock of their progress and inspire each other on a quarterly basis.

This initiative demonstrates the UIMM’s commitment to supporting biodiversity, and it’s only the beginning!

☀️ During this first meeting, MOV’NTEC shared its experience in biodiversity, featuring its greening project, in partnership with the company Ptipot’.

Valentin Mouroval, founder of Ptipot’, was on hand to explain how he is helping us to transform part of the site into a veritable refuge for flora and fauna! Thanks to Ptipot’, 🌱 it’s not just plants that are making their way into the industrial sector, the natural balance is too! 🦔

🌳🌲🌳🌲 A huge project: planting over 1,200 plants to landscape 5 areas of our site. Each tree will be carefully chosen according to its characteristics and the environment of the area concerned: sunshine, shade and exposure to the wind.

The planting operation will start on 10 January, with the help of Valentin and volunteer MOV’NTEC employees. 🙏

📅 Meet in January to discover our collaborative project


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