Lucie, her inspiring, optimistic and realistic journey!

Lucie is a determined woman with an inspiring career in the industry. She started at Mov’ntec, then known as Lenze, as a temp. Versatile and motivated, she has held a variety of positions, demonstrating great adaptability. For her, the most important thing was to work, make herself useful and show her worth. Lucie has made a name for herself within the company.

When asked what she thinks of the presence of women at Mov’ntec, Lucie replies confidently: “We’ve integrated well”. She is pleased to note that women have found their place in the company, working side by side with their male colleagues.

However, the road has not been without obstacles. Lucie talks about the specific challenges she has faced as a woman in the industry. “As in all professions, we have to show what we’re worth and demonstrate the benefits of working together, show that we can do it,” she explains. This need to constantly prove one’s skills and added value is a recurring challenge for many women in traditionally male-dominated sectors.

Talking about gender equality within Mov’ntec, Lucie is optimistic but realistic: “A few more women would be perfect,” she says. For her, although significant progress has been made, there is still work to be done to achieve true parity. She stresses the importance of diversity and the contribution made by women in the industry.

Lucie concludes on a personal note, expressing her enthusiasm for working with women. “Personally, I love working with women, we understand each other! She and her colleagues are helping to create an inclusive and balanced working environment.

Lucie’s story (like Dominique’s a few weeks ago) shows how women are increasingly taking their place in the industry and overcoming the obstacles to achieve equality.

The EMPLOYEES at Mov’ntec exemplify perseverance, competence and solidarity among female colleagues (a non-exhaustive list, of course)!

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