Battery pack assembly project with Circulacar


We’ve already told you about CirculaCar. Now, more than ever, the project is taking shape, and we’re moving on to the second phase! As a reminder, the CirculaCar team is working with MOV’NTEC on a battery pack assembly project. This collaboration was marked by CirculaCar’s participation in the training and assembly of two complete packs, representing an important step in the development of this joint initiative.

Project objectives:

The main objective of this project is to validate the process of assembling the modules and then the battery packs, in accordance with the structure: battery = cells – modules – pack. The aim is to train the MOV’NTEC teams in the specific features, tests and adjustments required to ensure high-quality assembly.

Another mission is to validate the actions undertaken during the FMEA, process in collaboration with our MOV’NTEC industrialisation team. This enables the processes to be adjusted to guarantee optimum, safe production. It also makes it possible to test the entire production flow, from the generation of manufacturing orders to the dispatch of assembled packs.

Future prospects:

Following the success of this phase of the project, the CirculaCar team plans to return to us to take part in the start-up of production of around ten complete battery packs. This marks a significant step forward in our collaboration.

👨‍🔧 👩‍🔧 Thanks to this experience, our trained operators are able to pass on their knowledge and expertise to their colleagues. This is based on the technical documents produced by CirculaCar and MOV’NTEC, as well as their own experience in assembling the first battery packs.

The battery pack assembly project with CirculaCar represents a concrete example of successful collaboration. 👏

Stay tuned for updates on our exciting collaborative projects!

Geoffrey Pauwels I Edouard Nicolaÿ I Maxime Chesnoy I Antoine Cumin I Jean-Baptiste Bonrepaux I Francis Kopp I Jean-Michel Verpraet

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