ARIA: A key partner in Mov’NTec’s success

Our membership of the ARIA Hauts-de-France group is no accident!
It’s the next logical step in the development of MOV’NTEC.

We’d like to highlight their remarkable support work, the mutual benefits of this collaboration and, above all, the importance of this alliance for the future of the automotive industry in the Hauts-de-France region.

The people best placed to talk about this are, of course, Valérie Plantard and Nicolas Balland, our partners, players and confidants in the ARIA Hauts-de-France group.

“One of ARIA’s ambitions is to support and promote innovation within the local automotive industry. With this in mind, the partnership with Mov’NTec reinforces its objectives and proves its raison d’être. Mov’NTec’s recognition through trophies is its greatest reward, and demonstrates the potential and vitality of the regional economic ecosystem.


ARIA’s support began right from the innovative company’s first steps. Thanks in part to the support of ARIA’s long-standing partner Cohésium and the PFA, the project of Lenze’s two directors Francis Kopp and Antoine Cumin became a reality Mov’NTec was born.

The association has played its role as facilitator, providing access to a network of key players, thus encouraging the creation of strategic partnerships and the establishment of beneficial collaborations. These connections have enabled Mov’NTec to strengthen its growth and visibility, and to gain access to crucial resources that will enable it to play an active role in the challenges facing the automotive industry, both in the region and internationally (Plastic Omnium, DBT, AGCO, UAVIA, MOLE…).

Mov’NTec has also been able to take advantage of the various support and training programs offered for industrial excellence (Gemba Walk, thematic clubs, management, CSR, ISO 14001 standards, etc.).

Aria will continue to support Mov’NTec in the new challenges facing the industry, namely the development of sustainable product ranges based on recycled and recyclable materials. Here again, ARIA will support the company’s managers by providing them with all the resources they need to make this project a success.
This year, the company is celebrating not only the 20th anniversary of its industrial site, but also the 2nd anniversary of its new entity. ARIA is helping the company to organize this event, which will celebrate success and collaboration.

The voice of the industrialists for the industrialists, remains an undeniable advantage of ARIA!
Aria is a direct reflection of the industry, and its difference lies in its ability to understand the specific issues at stake in terms of operational realities, technical challenges and growth opportunities; and this, because it is made up of committed industry players.

Its Board of Directors is made up of seasoned industrialists, leaders of recognized and successful manufacturing companies in the Hauts-de-France region. This particular composition gives it legitimacy and an understanding of the growth opportunities specific to the automotive industry. It does not hesitate to take a stand and encourage its members’ initiatives, because it is aligned with the real concerns of the market”.

It’s an opportunity for Mov’ntec to carve out a place for itself in this sector, and to meet complementary players and partners.

Our partnership with Aria is essential to Mov’ntec’s future!

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